Welcome to the Cite Black Database! Here you will find citations and comments from our research team on works from Black Scholars that relate to our projects on Black Joy. You can also visit our Cite Black Database Work in Progress Sources page to find links to other sources without citations and comments. We hope you enjoy!
Osei, K. (2019). Fashioning My Garden of Solace: A Black Feminist Autoethnography. Fashion Theory, 23(6), 733–746. https://doi.org/10.1080/1362704X.2019.1657272
“Fashioning My Garden of Solace: A Black Feminist Autoethnography” by Krys Osei is a beautifully crafted narrative that invites readers into a deeply personal and thought-provoking intergenerational journey of self-discovery and resilience. Osei’s exploration of Black feminism through autoethnography is both empowering and enlightening, offering valuable insights into what it means to find your power as a Black woman.
Hall, A. R., & Bell, T. J. (2022). The Pedagogy of Renewal: Black Women, Reclaiming Joy, and Self-Care as Praxis. Journal of Communication Pedagogy, 6, 9–19. Education Source.
“The Pedagogy of Renewal: Black Women, Reclaiming Joy, and Self-Care as Praxis” by Ashley Hall and Tiffany Bell is a groundbreaking work that illuminates the transformative power of self-care as a form of resistance and renewal for Black women. Through their insightful exploration of joy and self-care as pedagogical tools, the authors provide an invaluable resource for educators, activists, and anyone seeking to understand the resilience and strength of Black women in the face of adversity.
Griffin, R. A. (2012). I AM an Angry Black Woman: Black Feminist Autoethnography, Voice, and Resistance. Women’s Studies in Communication, 35(2), 138–157. https://doi.org/10.1080/07491409.2012.724524
“I AM an Angry Black Woman” by Rachel Griffin is a powerful exploration of black feminist autoethnography, offering an unapologetic voice of resistance that challenges stereotypes and empowers women of color. Griffin’s work sheds light on the vital intersection of identity, anger, and activism, building a community for Black women in which their stories matter.
Nxumalo, F. (2021). Disrupting Anti-Blackness in Early Childhood Qualitative Inquiry: Thinking With Black Refusal and Black Futurity. Qualitative Inquiry.
The researcher of this article used the concepts of Black Refusal and Black Futurity to inform a framework for reimagining early Black childhood and education. The researcher aimed to create a research practice that moved away from capturing anti-Blackness by using observations and photo documentation of kindergarten children’s relationship with a nearby creek in Austin, Texas. The observations and stories from the children’s creek experiences were examined through the lens of Black Refusal to affirm positive and joyful interactions with Black childhoods.
Allen, Q. (2020). Examining the Multiple Sites of Meaning in a Participant Photography Project With Black Male College Students. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19, 160940692094409. https://doi.org/10.1177/1609406920944090
This research study uses a critical visual methodology to explore how meaning is made of visual materials throughout a participant photography project with Black male college students in the U.S. The article outlined four sites where visual materials may be interpreted: site of production, site of the image itself, site of image circulation, and site of audiencing. In the article, the researchers examined the decisions regarding image production, the images and visual stories taken in the project, and the implications of the circulation and audience of the images.
Bakare-Yusuf, B. (2005). ‘I love myself when I am dancing and carrying on’: Refiguring the agency of black women’s creative expression in Jamaican Dancehall culture. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 1(3), 263–276. Communication & Mass Media Complete.
The article expresses that the sexual, vulgar nature of women in Dancehall is to try and reclaim their femininity and reject acceptance from a White, Eurocentric perspective. As Black women, our bodies are constantly eroticized and romanticized, so why shouldn’t we be able to claim our sexiness as our own? The article makes this point and emphasizes that “Dancehall women mock, exaggerate and re-create the Europeanized cult of femininity through strategies of vulgarized mimicry and over-dramatized commentary on ideal femininity” (Yusuf 2005). Rather that be through their clothing or dancing, Dancehall allows for the protest of the idealized versions of femininity that plagues women in Jamaica.
Thomas, L. (2014). Happiness in general and at work: A phenomenological study with U.S. southern professional African American women (Order No. 3635933). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Business; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Health & Medicine; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Social Sciences. (1615292171). https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/happiness-general-at-work-phenomenological-study/docview/1615292171/se-2
These fifteen women that were used for this study were drawn from one southern state as explained within the “Limitations” section of this article. I wonder how results this would vary within northern states. Furthermore, the data collection within this study was performed using a phenomenological interview: “involves a formal, interactive process with open-ended questions and comments; and these questions may be altered or not used during the interview when the co-researcher shares the full story of their experience (p. 114)”’ (Thomas 2014, 80). This form of interview seems to allow for an unbridled discussion in which these women could fully state their experience.
Adams, J. D. (2022, March 20). Manifesting black joy in science learning – cultural studies of science education. SpringerLink. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11422-022-10114-7
In the article “Manifesting Black Joy in Science Learning” Jennifer D. Adams, a Black science educator, delves into the intersectionality of Black Joy and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Adams emphasizes the importance of having joy in a white dominated space where Black people often feel excluded. The global scope of Black people is put onto a smaller scale within the STEM field and can lead to Black individuals feeling isolated. To combat this, Adams highlights the significance of having outward joy in an environment that could be considered “hostile” as a way of resistance. Adams also emphasizes the importance of changing most of the scientific based “ideals” that are oppressive to Black people. Throughout the article, Adams makes note of what Black Joy is and what it looks like within a space. Adam does this by implementing uplifting words like “illuminating” and “transformative” to describe the power that the presence of Black Joy has in STEM environments.
Tichavakunda, A. A. (2021). Black Joy on White Campuses: Exploring Black Students’ Recreation and Celebration at a Historically White Institution. Review of Higher Education, 44(3), 297-324. https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/black-joy-on-white-campuses-exploring-students/docview/2507721915/se-2
Antar Tichavakunda explains in his article that most studies that study black students on campus tend to ignore the softer parts of black life stating from work researched by Hunter and others that, “…rarely captures the life that happens within them, and thus the matter of Black people’s humanity” (2019) summarizing that many sociological studies mostly focus on what’s happening to black people rather than the before or after the events they’re studying. The article goes on to discuss how most studies focus on the exhaustion that comes with constantly having to combat racial stress, yet these students on campus are capable of a full range of human emotion outside of racial strife. That is why Tichavanakunda dedicated his research to observing what students do to relax and be at peace. Truly he touches on the fact that most research shows that in order for students to enjoy and enhance themselves on campus they must experience feelings of joy, a sense of belonging, a desire to be involved, and a sense of engagement.
Ekpe, L., Sherman, A., & Ofoegbu, E. D. (2023). Restoring resilience through joy: The pursuit of happiness in the midst of unprecedented times. Equity in Education & Society, 27526461231154012. https://doi.org/10.1177/27526461231154012
This article explores the Black community’s historical use of Black Joy as a means of resistance and survival as it relates to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, existing health inequalities within the Black community were exacerbated, leading to higher infection and death rates among Black people. Black residents were also more likely to drive further distances to receive vaccines (Ekpe et al., 2023). Despite this, the authors were able to identify three themes relating to Black Joy that arose out of the Black community during the pandemic. The themes were Songs of Survival, Creative Outlets, and Mind, Body, and Soul. These themes encompassed strategies that the Black community used to build resilience during the pandemic.
Stewart, L. (2021). The Politics of Black joy: Zora Neale Hurston and neo-abolitionism. Northwestern University Press.
In this book, Lindsey Stewart offers an insightful exploration on Zora Neale Hurston’s work and the concept of Black Joy. Stewart begins by delving into the contrasting perspectives of the South, arguing that there is more to Black life in the South than the devasting images that we are used. Using her own upbringing, Beyonce, Zora Neale Hurston, and other Black thinkers/creatives, Stewart showcases an essential aspect of resistance and liberation within the context of neo-abolitionism. The book is a thoughtful intersection of activism, Black history, and literature.
Cabral, L., & Horsford, S. D. (2021). Black Women Principals As Protectors of Black Children: Othermothering, Resistance, and Leadership for Community Survival. In Black Mother Educators: Advancing Praxis for Access, Equity, and Achievement. https://books.google.com/books?id=QYgkEAAAQBAJ&lpg=PA57&ots=3xooZG4NYo&dq=black%20joy&lr&pg=PA41
This chapter explores how Black women principals serve as protectors of Black children against repressive policies and structures that characterize neoliberal school reform in modern education. The authors claim that Black women principals are more than educational leaders, they are also advocates. The authors use concepts such as “othermothering”, the womanist tradition of caring, political activism, and leadership epistemologies to illustrate the environments that Black women educators are creating.
Putuma, K. (2017). Black Joy. In Collective Amnesia. Manyano Media. https://www.writersunlimited.nl/winternachten/documenten/20210117213748.pdf
Putuma’s poem “Black Joy” from her collection “Collective Amnesia” is a poignant exploration of resilience, celebration, and reclaiming agency within the Black experience. In a society often defined by historical erasure and systemic oppression, Putuma’s poetic voice emerges as a powerful assertion of Black joy as both an act of resistance and a source of strength. “Black Joy” becomes a rallying cry for collective empowerment and a testament to the transformative power of art in shaping narratives of liberation and belonging.
Alexis, N. A. (2021). I will rejoice: Reflections on Black Joy. Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology. https://press.palni.org/ojs/index.php/vision/article/view/679
Alexis’s article “I Will Rejoice: Reflections on Black Joy” in Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology offers a profound meditation on the spiritual and communal dimensions of Black joy within the context of faith and theology. By exploring the concept of joy through a theological lens, Alexis underscores the significance of joy as a deeply rooted aspect of Black resilience and resistance against systemic oppression. In the face of historical injustices and ongoing challenges, Alexis highlights how Black joy can be a radical affirmation of life and a form of spiritual resistance. Drawing from personal experiences and theological insights, the article deepens our understanding of joy as not just an emotion but a transformative force that nurtures communal healing and solidarity.
Goode, K. L., & Bernardin, A. (2022). Birthing #blackboyjoy: Black Midwives Caring for Black Mothers of Black Boys During Pregnancy and Childbirth. Maternal and child health journal, 26(4), 719–725. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-021-03224-1
Goode and Bernardin’s study on “Birthing #blackboyjoy: Black Midwives Caring for Black Mothers of Black Boys During Pregnancy and Childbirth” presents a critical examination of the intersection of race, maternal health, and joy within the context of childbirth. Focusing on the experiences of Black midwives caring for Black mothers expecting Black boys, the study sheds light on the importance of culturally competent care and the role of joy in promoting positive birth outcomes and maternal well-being. By highlighting the unique challenges faced by Black mothers and the significance of having Black midwives who understand and prioritize their cultural and emotional needs, Goode and Bernardin contribute to ongoing discussions in maternal and child health. They underscore the importance of affirming Black joy throughout the pregnancy and childbirth journey, countering narratives of fear and anxiety often associated with Black motherhood.
Williams, K. D. A., Dougherty, S. A., Lattie, E. G., Guidry, J. P. D., & Carlyle, K. E. (2022). Examining Hashtag Use of #blackboyjoy and #theblackmancan and Related Content on Instagram: Descriptive Content Analysis. JMIR formative research, 6(8), e34044. https://doi.org/10.2196/34044
Williams et al.’s study on “Examining Hashtag Use of #blackboyjoy and #theblackmancan and Related Content on Instagram: Descriptive Content Analysis” offers valuable insights into the representation and discourse surrounding Black joy and positive masculinity on social media platforms like Instagram. By analyzing the use of hashtags such as #blackboyjoy and #theblackmancan, the researchers provide a nuanced examination of how these online spaces contribute to reshaping narratives about Black identity and resilience. The descriptive content analysis conducted by Williams and colleagues illuminates the diverse ways in which Black joy and positive representations of Black boys and men are shared and celebrated within digital communities. Through visual and textual content analysis, the study underscores the power of social media in amplifying counter-narratives to stereotypes and promoting affirming representations of Black masculinity.
Persaud, C. J., & Crawley, A. (2022). On Black Queer Joy and the Digital. Social Media + Society, 8(2), 205630512211076. https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051221107629
The study delves into the intersections of race, queerness, and digital media, examining how Black queer joy manifests and thrives in virtual communities. By centering on Black queer experiences, Persaud and Crawley contribute to a deeper understanding of the ways in which marginalized identities navigate and challenge dominant narratives through digital engagement. They highlight the significance of digital spaces in providing avenues for self-expression, community building, and resistance against societal norms that seek to suppress or erase Black queer joy.
Télémaque, N. (2021) Annotating Black joy on the White City Estate. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46, 810–814. https://doi.org/10.1111/tran.12490
By focusing on the White City Estate, Télémaque delves into the ways in which Black residents carve out spaces of joy and community amidst broader societal challenges and inequalities. The concept of “annotating” Black joy within this context suggests a deliberate act of reclaiming and asserting joy as a form of resistance and resilience against marginalization. Télémaque’s work not only highlights the agency of Black individuals in shaping their environments but also underscores the importance of recognizing and valuing diverse expressions of happiness and belonging within urban landscapes. Through nuanced geographic analysis and ethnographic insights, Télémaque’s study deepens our understanding of the spatial dimensions of joy and community building among Black populations.
Young-Scaggs, S. (2021). Afrofuturism and Womanist phenomenology as resistance, resilience, and Black joy! Review & Expositor, 118(3), 332–342. https://doi.org/10.1177/00346373221080926
The article offers a rich exploration of how these theoretical frameworks empower Black individuals to imagine and embody alternative futures rooted in liberation and joy. By bridging Afrofuturist aesthetics with Womanist phenomenology, Young-Scaggs emphasizes the transformative potential of speculative narratives and embodied experiences in reimagining Black identities and futures. The author situates joy as a central theme within this discourse, highlighting its role in sustaining and nourishing collective resistance efforts. Young-Scaggs’s work contributes to the academic discourse by illuminating the ways in which Afrofuturism and Womanist phenomenology provide theoretical tools for navigating and transcending the limitations imposed by dominant narratives and structures of power.
Baker, C. N. (2021). Introduction: Embracing Black Feminist Joy and Pleasure in Communication Studies. Women’s Studies in Communication, 44(4), 459–462. https://doi.org/10.1080/07491409.2021.1987813
This introductory piece sets the stage for a critical examination of how joy and pleasure intersect with issues of identity, representation, and resistance in communication scholarship. By foregrounding Black feminist frameworks, Baker challenges traditional paradigms that often prioritize narratives of struggle and oppression, instead advocating for a more nuanced understanding of Black experiences that includes joy as a vital component. The introduction highlights the transformative potential of embracing joy within academic discourse, emphasizing its role in challenging dominant narratives and amplifying marginalized voices.